Reach out and touch faith

This is how Jesus talks to us...
Action figure Jesus came with us. He was a big help. However, He kept showing off by walking on water.... what a show-off....
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
This is a view from the back side of the house.
We spent 3 days gutting the whole house and the owner of the house showed up right about the time we were finishing. To hear her story made the whole trip worth it. Her husband and mother died just a couple of months after the hurricane hit. To say the least, she was emotionally drained. She had to stay in a hotel for 6 MONTHS with her kids with a toilet that barely worked. The people of New Orleans were so thankful of the work being done by volunteers. I mean, I could go on and on about her story, but I'll spare your patience.
We ate at some sweet places and saw the usual sites. But, the best thing was spending time with awesome people and serving God and the people of New Orleans.
There is a lot of work yet to be done...
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
Yes, this is a very long post.... but I didn't do this for you... well, kinda, but I had to do SOMETHING to commemorate this special occassion. So, here's to another "great" year of blogging bliss.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
Anybody want some bacon?
Anywho, it will be a good while until I post again, unless I post tomorrow before I leave for New Orleans. But that depends how far behind I'll be on packing... which I haven't started yet. And chances are that I'll have some things to buy at Wally World before I leave.
Blog note: I'll be writing an anniversary piece when I get back from the trip. You see, a year ago, on May 15, is the birth of The Gingus Chronicles. Here is my very first post. But, more on this when I get back.
Well, enjoy the bacon bits while I'm gone, and maybe have a little tuna with it, if ya wanna...
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
I'm almost done, two finals to take. One tomorrow night and the other one I have to take online before Friday. I'm almost good to go. But... Until then.....
...Vaya con Dios.
There you have it. The summation of my yesterday. I would add stuff that happened today but... nothing happened.
Random picture:
Until next time, vaya con Dios.