Tonight was a good night. Yes, it was. Tonight I went on the official "first date". I did a little preparation for it though. I wanted to do as much as I could to impress her without going too far. But I think this went better than the "first" meeting. I was still nervous and didn't want to say the wrong thing. There were a few things I would have done differently but I think overall it went well.
The day started off with me waking up...duh. Took a shower, did the hair, shaved my face, picked out which new shirt I was going to wear, watched a little football, , then took off towards town.
The first thing I did was to go to the UCM, get on my computer and check my email. Checka checka email... Anywhoooo........ Didn't get anything very interesting. But I did get to hang out with the fella's while I was up here. I had to watch Rob see his team lose yet another game... poor Rob. But then I had work to do.
I first went to Papa Georgio's (is that how you spell it?) and made reservations for justin... (just in case). While I was there I caught up with an old friend I hadn't seen in years. So that was good. Anyway, I asked them if I could come back later and put a rose (or other flower) in the middle of the table so it would be there when we showed up. They said that was cool, well, they didn't exactly said that it was "cool", but they said it was alright. So, I left Papa's and left for the flower place on Mississippi Street. And to my disappointment they were closed. Now what? So, while I was trying to figure out another place to go, I went to the car wash... cause, well, the truck really needed it. But in the midst of the washing, I remembered that I have a friend who is in the greenhouse business (owns it, actually). So, I call her up and tell her what I need. Such a lifesaver she was. Plus it's good to know people. I leave the carwash and head towards Donaghey's Greenhouse and pick it up. It was a pink rose in a glass vase with other plant things in it. It was awesome. So, after a while I go back to Papa's and find my reserved table and place the vase and flower in the middle. By this point, I was thinking that I haven't gone through this much "trouble" for a date in, well, forever. She was special and it required a special night.
The dinner went pretty well. We ended getting the same thing. I went in knowing that I'd probably get Fettucini Alfredo. But what did she get? Exactly. She got the Fettucini Alfredo. So I ordered the same thing. I hope she didn't think I was ordering that just because she did. But I thought that was pretty cool.
After dinner I took her to the park to go walk around once. I forgot until I got there, but the Christmas lights were up. Bonus! I was a little worried though. She mentioned that she is cold natured and it was a little cold outside. I didn't want to make her freeze. So, when we started to walk around, I asked her periodically if she was alright. She would always answer that she was fine. Not sure if I believed her entirely. She probably didn't want me to feel bad. So, I hope I didn't make her too uncomfortable.
But the best part was that we got to talk quite a bit. I got to know her a little better. Seems like the more I get to know her, the more I like her. And the more that I want to know more about her. And it's not hard to like this girl. Everything about her is awesome. Yeah, I've only known her not for very long but does that mean that I can't like who she is?
Everytime I am in a relationship with a girl, I always have to ask myself, "Is this somebody that I could marry?" I mean, isn't that what dating is all about? Dating is the time spent trying to figure out if the person you're with is the "One". It doesn't scare me to think about that. I'm not saying that I want to get married next week or next year or anything. I'm just saying I'm mindful of it. I'll let God tell me when and who to the marriage issue. He knows more about it than I. (THANK GOD!)
Somebody once said that dating is like a job interview. You do all you can do to impress the other person and you hope that the other person is impressed with you enough to give you a chance. I guess that's what I'm trying to do. I'm not trying to not be myself or anything, I'm just trying to give her the respect and kindness that she deserves.
Second date? Likely. Hopefully I can find something cool to do. Hopefully something that doesn't involved her being frozen. That would be nice. But it is Ada, mind you. My options are limited.
Now my mind is filled with what she may be thinking. Does she like me? Does she really want to go out again? Does she wish I did something different? I can't help but think that she is just being polite to me and not wanting to say no when I ask her if she would like to go out again. If only guys knew what the girl was thinking, it would be easier... but scarier, probably. Just kidding.
Bedlam tomorrow.... go sooners.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.