The Gingus Chronicles

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

F$%^%#%$ Chuck Norris...

I officially have no life.

Last night, after the OU/OSU basketball game, I literally spent 2 hours reading Chuck Norris jokes. Some of them were really funny. Some were just plain wrong. Here's a few examples:

  • When Chuck Norris has sex with a man, it won't be because he is gay. It will be because he has run out of women.
  • Chuck Norris CAN believe it's not butter.
  • Wilt Chamberlain claims to have slept with more than 20,000 women in his lifetime. Chuck Norris calls this "a slow Tuesday."
  • Little known medical fact: Chuck Norris invented the Caesarean section when he roundhouse-kicked his way out of his monther's womb.
  • It takes Chuck Norris 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.

Anyway, these were just a FEW of the thousands of Chuck Norris jokes out there. I think I've heard that there are some 8,000 Chuck jokes circulating around the internet. That's amazing. What caused this phenomenon? Who knows, ... people just have way too much time. That's gotta be the simplest explaination.

Oklahoma U. won by one point, AGAIN. That makes the 4th time in a row that's happened. That's gotta be some kind of record. Sports is eventually gonna kill me cause I can't keep living through these close games. Sheesh.

Alright, I've gotta get back to a reflection paper over the philosophy of Realism. I can't wait.... wooo........ hoooo........ (Catch the sarcasm?)

Until next time, vaya con Realism... or Dios....

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Fast Food

It's a little too late for New Years resolutions, but I thought I'd make a "healthy commitment." Recently, a friend told me of how he has quit eating fast food as well as other healthy improvements in his life. I thought about it and told myself that I should do something of that nature. So, I did.

Starting last Wednesday, I haven't had any carbonated beverages. Although I did have Wendy's last night. Reason being Red Robin was so overcrowded that it wouldn't be worth it to stick it out and wait for a table. So we went to Wendy's. I had the double cheese and a large Frosty. I tell ya, whenever (if/when) I get rich, I'm going to buy my own Frosty machine. I know this goes against the whole "eating healthier" thing, but it just may be worth it. Frosty's are freakin' awesome.

So, for my own sake, here is my list of things to do:

  • No more fast food. (Not including Subway or sandwich places)
  • No more pop. This is going to be hard, for I really like Root Beer and Cream Soda. And best of all, Orange flavored soda.
  • More fruit (not counting orange flavored pop).
  • More physical activity. Even if it means just walking around. Something!
  • Follow the rules listed above.
  • All of the above.

And there you have it. Simple, right? But, anyone who's had to do something like this knows it can/will be difficult. Now, I wouldn't exactly call myself fat or anything. I'm doing this to make my life better. I don't wanna die of some heart disease at age 50-something, or any-something for that matter. Just trying to look out for myself and make myself look better in the process. Look out ladies! ........... (pause for laughter)

Until next time, vaya con Dios.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

A dark pink bird

Don't you hate when there is nothing to do for such a long time? And then, whenever an event comes along, so does 20 others that fall on the same day. I hate two conflicting interests tonight and two for Saturday. I guess it's better than not having anything to do at all. So I'll count my blessings (which is 17, by the way).

Tonight: Basketball game or Encounter?

Saturday: OU hockey or get-together at one of my friends?

The dilemma... oh the dilemma. But I think I know what I'm doing on either occassion.

On Saturday, I have the opportunity to eat at a place in Norman called Red Robin. That place is sweet. For one, they have awesome food. Two, there are T.Vs everywhere... even in the floor. Finally, somewhere that addressed the problem of not enough visual stimuli below the surface (that is, the floor)!

I'm wearing a shirt that somebody once said that resembles Stalin. I guess I'm starting to look like a communist. Just as long as I don't start dressing like (insert your favorite personal hate here), I'll be okay. By the way, doesn't Stalin resemble Mario? Take a look for yourself: Or is it just Luigi reincarnate?

Until next time, vaya con Dios.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

New Olympic Sport or How to ruin a good secret

Here is one of the best conversations I've had with a woman in a while. Here's the way it went:

Girl: Do you have a favorite Winter Olympic sport?
Kent: No, but I know it's not ice dancing, for sure.
Girl: I was watching SKI HUMPING or something... and the girl that just jumped fell and is screaming and grabbing her thigh.
Kent: Ski "Humping"? Yeah, uh... I don't think you are watching the Olympics.

Apparently, she misspelled a word. To which I made full advantage of. Let's just hope that Brokeback Mountain won't sponsor this event.

And speaking of the Olympics...

Curling is on TV, but it's on tape delay. I went online and found out who won between the U.S. and Canada. I found out but the others in the room watching the event didn't know who won and didn't want to know. They wanted to find out by actually watching it. I told two people, Jonathon (he asked) and Elizabeth (she didn't care). I tried to get Elizabeth to tell them who won, just to ruin it for everybody else. She declined. So, I kept encouraging her and encouraging her to tell them who won. Still no luck. I kept telling them that I know who won and kept teasing them with the information I had. Well, I decided to let them find out by way of television. I chose to behave. Anyway, here comes in Joey. And the first thing he said was, "Ahhh, the U.S. lost"???? I immediately laughed. And laughed for a while. But he wasn't ruining anything on purpose. He was simply asking if they lost. But the others turned around obviously thinking I was laughing because I thought Joey gave it away (which is what I thought). Oh well, I thought it was funny.

Until next time, vaya con Dios. And happy curling.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Does anybody know the meaning of the word? Well, I just found out. I was bored and I had nothing better to do. Well, I did have something more IMPORTANT to do, but obviously I didn't do such activities. Instead, I looked up stupid words.

The meaning of Rhinotillexomania is habitual or obsessive nose-picking. Now you can say you learned something today. If you already knew what this word meant, then I guess you will have to learn from another source another time. Open a book for Pete's sake.... by the way.... who is this Pete we keep referring to anyway?

What about the phrase through the grapevine? And no, it didn't come from the song.

The phrase was invented in the USA sometime in the late 1840s or early 1850s. It provided a wry comparison between the twisted stems of the grapevine and the straight lines of the then new electric telegraph marching across America. The telegraph was the marvel of the 1840s (Samuel Morse’s first line was opened between Washington and Baltimore on 24 May 1844 and rapidly expanded in the following decade), vastly improving the speed of communication between communities. In comparison, the grapevine telegraph was by individual to individual, often garbling the facts or reporting untruths (so reflecting the gnarled and contorted stems of the grapevine), but likewise capable of transmitting vital messages quickly over distances.

So, now you know. If you still didn't learn anything today, then you are just a smarty pantalones.

Quick story to finish up: Yesterday I sub teached again. In between one of the classes I stepped in the hall and a teacher that I subbed for last week passed by. He said to me that one of his classes told him that they'd almost rather have me teach their class. Apparently I taught them a new way of doing something (with the math terms sine, cosine, and tangent) and they liked they way I did it. Either that or it was when I gave them jolly ranchers towards the end of class. But I'll tell myself that it is the first option. (This was in no way me wanting to boast myself in front of others. This is just me saying that I'm better than everybody else. OK. Totally just kidding there. Anybody who knows me knows I don't think that way. At least I hope people don't think I think that I think I'm better than everybody. Confusing? Yeah....)

Until next time, vaya con el Poptarts... I mean Dios.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Cat Scratch Fever

Kent vs Kitty. And no, "Kitty" isn't a stripper or anything like that. It's a cat,... just so you know.

The Cat won. My left hand is a perfect example of healing power. I was taunting the cat with a pen with a mind of its own. I say again,... the cat won.

So, I've been stuck at home for the past two days because of the weather. Yes, I could have ventured beyond the gates of Vanoss, but I did not embark on such a mission. I trust my own driving, it's just that I don't trust everybody else's. Just like Thomas said, some people think they can drive just as fast in icey weather than normal weather. Stupid people. Gotta love 'em, but we don't have to like 'em.

Something is making me reexamine a frienship I have with another person. Am I crossing some kind of unseen line? Maybe some people just like to assume things without investigation. It's so much easier to judge people without finding out the truth for yourself. Heck, I'm guilty of this. But that doesn't mean it's okay for others to do it to me. It kinda hurts me, I don't like what the person said, even though it's not true.

So, people, if you hear something, find out for yourself what is true. Don't leave it up to others.

You say I am something, but I'm not. You think you know me? You don't even know where to begin. I'm just being a friend. If you have a problem with it, then I'm sorry.

Until next time, vaya con Dios.

Friday, February 17, 2006

CSS Lewis

The work on the new look for The Gingus Chronicles continues... I just wish I knew what I was doing.

I've looked and I've searched and then I've looked even more. ..... "and I still haven't found what I'm lookin' for"..... *think U2*. I know what the look will be, I just have to look at the stupid code to see if I know enough to know how to change some things. And there is the whole getting it ready for the wonderful and magnificant unveiling for the general public... release date not yet available. I know you all were soooooo anxious to know.

In other news...

It's freakin' cold. I just got back from a Bible study and when I went outside to get in my truck to leave, the windshield was frozen over. The streets aren't so bad just yet but it shouldn't take long for them to ice over. I hate this kind of weather.

I remember a few years ago when the big ice storm came here in souther Oklahoma. It was the night of Christmas when the electricity went out. The power didn't come back on until 12 long days after. If it weren't for my grandmothers house, I may have missed OU winning the national championship in football. Our house was one of the last ones to get power back. It sucked. I've never played so much Monopoly in my life. I was so bored I went outside for hours at a time just to chip the ice off of my truck.

I can hear the rain falling, which means that it's going to be opposite of heaven trying to get home. So, I better go.

Until next time, vaya con Dios.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Stupid boxes

This stupid game is addictive.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Sheryl Crow said it best

"A change will do you good..."

Big changes are a-comin' to The Gingus Chronicles. Stay tuned.

Oh and uh... here's a stupid picture to keep you "entertained"...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

All caps: Punctuation and random symbols

My bitterness rises...

The (enter choice adjetive-explicitive here) "holiday" most refer to as "Valentines Day" has creeped upon me yet again. I like to think of it as "National Singles Awareness Day". It's a conspiracy holiday created by the greeting card and candy industry. This is a day that honors couples, marriages, and love. Who needs it? All you people who are fortunate (or not) to have a significant other, I don't want to hear about how GREAT your Valentine's Day went. Not only am I single, I'm bitter. So hearing about somebody else's grand adventures isn't on my "want-to" list. Especially on Tuesday. I usually can't stand it any other day. So, give me until early March for me to be my usual bitter self. Deal?

My bitterness knows no bounds.

So... the kazoo is cool, right? I'm planning to do a song on the kazoo with a friend or two or seven in a couple of weeks. I still don't know what song or anything... so if you have any suggestions, let me know. I open to almost anything... almost.

I'm thinking about purchasing my own bowling ball. It would be easier because I can get it custom fitted and I won't ever have to go look for one when there are 734 teenie boppers bowling. And most of 'em pick their nose right before they stick their nasty fingers in the holes. I tell you the truth,... I don't want ball fungus.

Until next time, vaya con Dios.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Bored at Braum's

Oh how powerful 1% can be...

When 99% of myself has given up, there is always that lingering 1%...

So many things I wish I could say... but I don't know how. I have the emotions within me without an escape route.

I saw ECU play basketball earlier today... and boy was it a good game. 3 overtimes. And we won 93-91. OU played Baylor today as well. It was no contest. OU won by 28.

This is a really weird post. I appologize. I'm out of whack. I don't know what to write. I have writer's blog. Get it? Yeah... stupid, I know.

So, to make things better, here's a random picture:
Until next time, vaya con Dios.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

What you want

You're softer than a cannon blast. But your effects much longer last. And I want you just like a hole in my head. But I need you like a meal and a bed. And you say, "Come on, I'm not what you're after." But I know you're not just anyone.
But I'm not what you want. No, I'm not anyone. But if you needed me, then I could be someone.
You're an army in a horse. And you have taken me by force. And all the freedom in this world could not resist the sweet temptation of your sweet elusiveness. So I say "Come on!" as the gate swings open. Cause I know you're not just anyone.
And the lie's always cheaper than the truth. But the lie's all I've ever known of you. Maybe none of this is true

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Under pressure

I was just thinking... (insert jokes here)....... How would you like to be the guy who dates Superman's ex's? That's a lot of pressure on a guy!

Jim: So, last night?..... How was it?.....
The ex: Well.......
Jim: Yeah?.....
The ex: You're no Superman.
Jim: Dag.

Why did this thought enter my mind? I guess it was because I glimpsed at the tele-vee and saw that Smallville was on. I have yet to see a whole episode. You see, I don't watch a lot of television shows, and when I started watched "Lost" I got hooked. And I'm afraid that if I start watching other shows then I'll be a freakin' couch potato. Nobody wants that... well, except for the networks showing the programs and their sponsors. Stupid commercials...

And speaking of commercials... How bad were the commercials this year for the Superbowl? It was just as good as the game itself... BORING.

You know I have no life when I blog about Superman's leftovers.... dang.

Until next time, vaya con Dios. And here's another random picture:

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Let's start things off with a random picture: This is Jeremy. He caused my elbow to lose 4 layers of skin. Things got out of hand. I told him he was stupid and was full of hot air. He didn't take to kind to that statement. To the depths of hell with him!

I just had a great burger from Braum's. 1/3 lb cheeseburger with pepperjack. God Bless that pepperjack.

I'm starting become a little bit more active in another student ministry. It's not that I'm leaving the other behind, it's just that I'm expanding my interests. I'm sick of sitting down, wondering, wishing, pondering what could have been. It's too easy to let life pass right in front of you without doing anything about it. Well, I'm sick of it. No longer will I be the little passive Kent that I used to be. I want to be like Moses... meaning that I want to live life to the fullest. No regrets.


I see our fate. I see our past. And all the things that could not last. It's heavy on these eyes. Frozen as I hold this photograph. It's all we're left that's of any worth. And it's so much more than a thousand words. There in this frame is the only way we can endure.

I picture you and me, always. And in this photograph, we're safe.

All I have in my head, are all the words I wished I said. Sentamental thoughts are overwhelming me again. As I stand through a lens of tears. A thought remains of those fallen years. They are all in this frame. Memories I had to perservere.

I picture you and me... always. And in this photograph... we'll stay. I picture you and me, always. In this photograph, we're safe.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Million Dollar idea...

Ah yes... the pursuit.

Some say that when you stop looking for something, that is the moment you find it. I haven't noticed this yet..... yet.

I seem to be going back to bad habits of staying up late. Going to bed at 5:30 a.m. every morning is just not cutting it. But I had/have my reasons. We'll see if this continues to occur.

The other day I was shooting a rubber band at Action Figure Jesus (don't get mad,.. it's just plastic). I was an amazing shot... the rubber band ended up around his plastic head... it's like I lasso'd Jesus. Ok... that may be wrong....

You know... I can't take compliments very well. Whenever my birthday or Christmas rolls around, I just hate opening gifts in front of other people. And it's more than just putting on a fake smile for a crappy gift. I may get something that I really like but I'm afraid that my emotions won't show it. I'm not the kind of person who freaks out when I discover what the giftwrap hid. I'm not some 14 year old girl.... contrary to popular belief........ ahhhh shut up.

Ok... here's a random photo....

They should make biscuits and gravy flavored ice cream.... wouldn't that be good?

Until next time, vaya con Dios.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

French benefits

It's true... people ACTUALLY read my blog. Maybe this means I can start up my own The Gingus Chronicles merchandise. Shirts, tote bags, iPod protectors, llamas, fake tatoos, action figures, brain implants, and many other things I can market. I can see dollar signs people!

I forgot to mention that I joined Ada First Baptist church last Sunday. I am glad to get it out of the way. Now I can focus on my involvement with the church. I got a free new members package which included a directory (outdated, by the way) and a First Baptist liscense tag. I new signing up would pay off... just kidding.

Well, the Super Bowl is in a few hours. I've been a Seahawks fan for a few years now, so I'm going for Seattle. Boooooooo Pittsburgh. And no... I'm not a bandwagon Seahawks fan. The reason I started liking them is because I had a Fantasy team (which I totally dominated, thank you very much) and I had the starting QB for Seattle on my team. So I just started going for Seattle because I wanted my fantasy team to do well. So, there you go. Booyah!

But what is going to be better? The game or the commercials? Or.... the halftime show? The Rolling Stones, baby! Just as long as one of them doesn't show their nipples on live T.V. Aren't they 86 years old? Sheesh...

And now, to finish the blog, I'll post a picture of "something" that I pass by on my way to Ada everyday.

I guess that's where 'granny sits...

Until next time, vaya con Dios.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Her/she kiss

Recent discussions have lead me to ponder what I want in a female.... a potential mate. Now I can be as picky as I want to but I don't want to limit myself to a list.

Now first and foremost, I AM going to marry a christian girl. Now that is considering I AM going to get married. But I know the first thing I am looking for in a girl is that she is a christian. I want someone I can share similar beliefs with. There is no seeable way for me to get that from a woman who is, say, a Buddhist. This isn't just a morality thing. I want someone who I can praise God together with. Someone who I can take to church. Someone who I can talk to about my faith and vice-versa. Now I guess I would prefer a Baptist, but I am not going to limit myself to denominations. There are too many terrific girls out there who aren't Baptist.

Usually I would say that is all that matters to me, but I believe that there is more to "her" just being a christian. There are a number of qualities that I would LIKE for "her" to have. But this is by no means a final draft or anything like that. Here we go...

  • Obviously, she HAS to be a christian. I need a Godly woman who isn't afraid to stand up for her beliefs, no matter the consequences. One who seeks God earnestly. A prayerful woman who loves God with all of her heart.
  • I have to find her attractive. I believe that the girl God has for me will be attractive in my eyes. So, I guess this is really a "me" thing, not a requirement for "her".
  • She has to be loving. I couldn't stand to be with a woman who isn't afraid to show me how she feels. If she loves me, I want to know it!
  • I would prefer if she has the same views on alcohol as I do. I follow the zero tolerance policy. Now, I'm still studying this for myself, so this isn't final. But, since I don't drink at all, I don't want her to as well. I just hate the stuff.
  • She would have to seem like she would be a great mother. I think the main point of marriage is to procreate. Not to say that people who don't have children have a failed marriage or anything. But, I want a woman who wants to have children. And she would have to be a good mother. I need my children in a christian home.
  • She will have to be smart. I mean, c'mon... somebody has to take care of me when I do something stupid.
  • She will have to accept my flaws. Lord knows I have plenty of them. If she doesn't accept who I am, then .......
  • I want her to be strong willed and semi-independent. I don't want her to be so dependent on me that if I am gone for 3 minutes she'll have a total freak attack. I want her to do her own thing sometimes. But not all the time.
  • Humbleness. My biggest pet peeve is people with great pride within themselves. People who just think they are God's gift to everyone and everything is something I can't deal with. I want a girl with a servant's heart.
  • I would like her to be family oriented. I guess this could be part of the whole 'children' thing. But my dad was part of a fairly large family (my father was 1 of 8 kids). We are a close family and I don't want that to change when I get married.
  • Healthy lifestyle. I want my future wife to be healthy. Staying thin and neat is important to me. Now, I can be a slob sometimes but I like to think I am somewhat neat. I need someone to keep me in check. I don't want my wife dying of something because she didn't lead a healthy lifestyle. I need somebody to keep my in check in this regard as well.
  • She would have to love me. Simply put. Why would I want someone that doesn't love me?
  • Have a sense of humor. I want someone that I can laugh with. Humor is truly a gift from God.
  • Similar taste in music. This is by no means a "list killer" if she doesn't like the same groups that I like. I just think it would be awesome if we could both enjoy the same music. Music is a way to reach the soul.
  • Maturity. I don't want someone who is just totally immature, like me at times (I'm working on that).
  • I want someone who doesn't mind just being with me. We wouldn't have to go out because other people are. I want her to want to spend time with me. I don't want to be afraid to just stay at home on a weekend night just being together. Now, I'm not saying that this would happen every weekend. I don't want her to be in love with the atmosphere surrounding us.... I just want her to be in love with me.
  • She'll have to respect what I do for a living. Now, I'm not totally sure what exactly that is yet, but I want her to respect me. If I were a sales rep for a baseball team, then I want her support and love.
  • And finally (but not final), I want a relationship to where we can be honest with each other. I want to be able to talk to my wife about ANYTHING I desire. Now, I know that it isn't realistic to be able to talk about every single thing. I want an honest relationship, with full trust in each other and one driven by God.

Wow. I thought up more than I thought I would. I'm sure there are more but I just can't think of any more. What a good way to lead up to National Singles Awareness Day.

Until next time, vaya con Dios.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Who said studying was hard?

This was the common sight of me "studying" for the quiz over the first chapter-- Idealism. Now, don't you understand the reasons for my slumber?

So, what else is new?

I bought some shoes today. Marked down from $80 to $50. How about that? I feel like a girl sometimes. I like using coupons and finding deals and discounts. Is that bad? Oh well, I'm saving money. So, if you must laugh at me, go ahead. But don't.... it hurts my feelings......

Tonight I have a dilemma. Attend a relationship non-Bible discussion group, or go to the BSU (Encounter, or something like that). Free food or try something new? Hmmmm..... what to do.... what to do......

That's all I got. Until next time, vaya con Dios.

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