WinterJam. This event should imply what the name suggests. But it was more like lukewarm jam. It doesn't feel like winter out there. Okay, way off subject here.
A friend and I went early to Norman, OK, to get in line. I was thinking that getting there at 3 p.m. was too late. Nope. There was a total of about 20 people there when we arrived. And, for some reason, everybody was on one side standing in line, leaving a whole side unoccupied. That means that I can slip in on this other side to get first in line. And it worked. So, we were there for 3 hours before they opened the doors to let us in. Upon entering, I did nothing short of running down to get the best seat possible. And it worked. Front row, near dead center.
And one of the most difficult things to do was to hold these seats for the rest of my party. You see, I took off in such a hurry I left my friend who was right behind me. I was fortunate that I didn't fall all the way down Lloyd Noble. Nothing like making a fool of yourself in front of hundreds of people. Anyway, by the time I acquired these awesome seats, my friend was nowhere to be seen. I was practically laying on 4 seats so nobody could get them. Right by these seats was like a teenie bopper convention. There were dozens of them running around like a bunch of screaming mimi's. So, I was kicking kids to my left while still holding the seats on my rights. Finally Nick got there. The rest of my group got there about 20 minutes later. I didn't have anymore problems.
But the vantage point for the concert was the best I've ever been a part of. I mean we had front row to a concert where 12,000 people attended. It was great.
Yes, you heard me right... or READ me right, that is. I got the personally meet the Newsboys. One of my favorite bands and I got to meet them. How, you may ask? Well, I left my seat to go purchase some quality Newsboys products. I saw a sign at their booth that said "Concert Package". 2 shirts, 2 posters, and a cd of your choice PLUS the first 100 to do this gets to meet the band during intermission. So, that's how. Here's some pictures from that:

Jeff Frankenstein (Keyboards)
Phil Joel (Bass)
Paul Colman (Guitars)
Duncan Phillips (Drummer... therefore the coolest member of the band.)

Peter Furler (Lead vocals, guitar)... and what's with my face in this one?
Anyways, it was one of the best concerts I've ever been to. And for good reason. This post is long so I'll post more pictures later.
Until next time, Vaya con Dios.